08 Mar 2017

16th Para-Ski World Championships, Austria 2017 - First day on the mountain

8th March 2017

The morning started early with the Qualification Ski Run - all went well and the start lists for tomorrow's competition are ready. At 12.00 those at the accuracy target area heard the announcement that the helicopter would arrive in 10 minutes with the first WDI load. Fifteen minutes later the first team of the day took off.  The Netherlands Team were the first in the air and the picture is of the first competitor landing.  By 15.45 two rounds of accuracy had been jumped and competitors and officials started to make their way down the mountain to ensure they are ready in time for the Opening Ceremony.  It has been a beautiful day with lots of sun, no wind and a few clouds.

Tomorrow it is planned to do both Giant Slalom races and not attempt the accuracy.  So an easier day for the Accuracy Judges:


The pad is set at a steep angle closer to 30 degrees than 25 but not yet 35 as the regulations allow.  It is still possible to score a Dead Centre 0 - as Mike Job of the Germany Team 2 showed, scoring the first of the competition - and being congratulated by his colleagues.


I too now have to go down and prepare for the Opening Ceremony.  I will report on the Marching Band and speeches later this evening.

11.34.  It is now late in the evening but I had to post some beautiful pictures from this morning - after all this is a Para-SKI competition, and so far all the coverage has been of parachuting (accuracy).  Courtesy of Carsten Thiel (Casi) here are a selection of pictures from the Qualifying Ski Run this morning.

Tomorrow I will cover the Opening Ceremony and the meal and show.

The first Giant Slalom run is at 11.00 a.m. tomorrow - Official!



A lift to altitudeAlic Gernot (Austria)
Some days are just not your dayProbably 27 - Ule Uros (Slovenia)
38 - Karl Kreuzer (Austria)45 - Martin Gabla (Czech Republic)