14 Nov 2015

1st World Cup in Indoor Skydiving, Austin, USA, Nov 2014 -Day 1

Live Results + Judged Videos       Live TV Coverage from the Event

Day 1 of the World Cup of Indoor Skydiving

The 1st World Cup of Indoor Skydiving kicked off this morning at 9am with the first round of FS Open followed by FS Female and VFS.

This was preceded by the Opening Ceremony held last night during which Axel Zohmann, the Meet Director, welcomed all competitors highlighting that they were the pioneers by participating in the first ever Indoor event recognised by the FAI. Graeme Windsor, President of the IPC and Jury President also welcomed all the participants, introduced the FAI volunteer officials  and, after retracing briefly the efforts made to include an indoor activity into the IPC, he declared the competition open.

The FAI anthem was played and then the Chief Judge Ron Miasnikov, who is also Event Judge for AE, together with Claire King, Event Judge for FS, proceeded with the draws.  

As I write, the first three rounds of the FS events are complete and the fourth round is to start shortly.  It is clear from the scores that the Female participants are strong contestants and their scores are higher or in line with the top open teams. The Artistic Events will begin after lunch.

This is the first IPC event that allows children of 13 and under to participate and one young boy, Mateo Limnaios who will only be 11 in two weeks, is participating in both FS and Freestyle.  I will report further on the Junior teams in a future update.


(Article prepared by Gillian Rayner - FAI Controller)