01 Dec 2015

5th DIPC Dubai, Day 4

Take another view of the competition on the organiser's Web Site - and view all the social media coverage and  Results 

At the end of each day printable PDFs of the latest results will be available on the IPC Results Portal.


Take a look at the magic videos that have been put together by Skydive Dubai of the competition:

9.00 Monday, 1st December 2014


The first helicopter lifts off with the first Accuracy Landing load of the day. 

Winds are OK this morning, but we do have cloud over the Palm DZ.  

Round 6 of Formation Skydiving 4-Way Open was completed late last night but judged first thing this morning - so at least the judges could get to the Gala Dinner which was, as expected, superb.  At the end of Round 6 the Canadians have pulled away from Belgium with 139 points for the 6 rounds, but there is now a tie between Belgium and the USA  in second place on 131 points- so we still have a competiton. 

Graeme got his widi jump in this morning, a nice change from all the FAI meetings he has been involved in for the planning of the World Air Games 2015 which will take place in Dubai.


As the clouds moved in the winds increased and jumping is on hold again.

The CP competition in the desert (at Skydive Dubai Desert DZ) ended yesterday, the CP jumpers are expected to start arriving for registration ready for their DIPC5 participation which starts tomorrow.  Accuracy Landing will have to move to the Beach DZ, but the use of boats to bring jumpers back to Palm DZ and manifest will make life easier for the competitors.



So the winds are dropping - the clouds are clearing and the intention is to continue with Accuracy Landing at 13.00.  So meanwhile everyone is taking advantage of a lunch break in the DZ restaurant:



We did manage one round of Formation Skydiving 8-way and 1 of Canopy Formation 2-way Sequential before the rain arrived.  Yes rain in Dubai - but this is a skydiving competition.

So whilst there was no jumping the spectators and competitors were treated to an airshow by Zultan's three aircraft flying display.

There are plenty of other things to see on the Drop Zone, with exhibitors, a Bedouin tented village complete with camels and the tombola wheel that houses the raffle tickets for each daily raffle for 5 iPads and 5iPhones!





The skies have cleared, the wind has dropped and a full programme is underway with Accuracy Landing, Formation Skydiving, Artistic Events, Canopy Formation, and Speed.  France still lead the field in Formation Skydiving 8-Way with 74 points after 4 completed rounds.  In Canopy Formations 4-way Rotations Russia is 5 points ahead of Belarus and 4-Way Sequential France is comfortably in the lead from Russia with 35 points over 22 - both events at the end of the 4th round.  In the Artistic Events the Freefly teams have now completed 6 rounds and Russia 1 is in first place with 52.6 points ahead of the UAE team on 48.1 and France with 47.2.


The end of  a difficult day, when most was made of the jumpable weather.  In total we made 140 accuracy jumps and 135 from the fixed wing aircraft.

Tomorrow morning 7.30 Team Leader meeting, 8.00 first aircraft take off.  It is planned to complete round 4 of Accuracy Landing on the Palm DZ whilst the Canopy Piloting competitors have their Technical Meeting.  The Accuracy Landing operation will then move to the Beach DZ, whilst Canopy Piloting will be the centre event on the Palm DZ.  Formation Skydiving 4-Way Open and Female will continue tomorrow, Canopy Formations 2-Way Sequential, Artistic Events Freestyle and Speed Skydiving finished round 6 today leaving the Semi-Final and Final Rounds to be jumped.  Tomorrow is Dubai's National Day so there should be plenty of spectators around on the Palm DZ.

Today's Birthdays

Monika Sadow-Naumienia, Poland and Yajun Su, China - Very best wishes for a great day