26 Aug 2017

6th FAI Junior & 9th FAI EC in Freefall Style & Accuracy Landing in Podgorica, MNE, 2017 - Day 1

Saturday, 26th August 2017

Live Results Here!
(European Championships)


14.00hrs:   We are still awaiting the final results for rounds 2, 3 and 4 of the Female Accuracy, which is still missing scores for several rejumps, made by the Polish competitor and three others.  Until we have all the results we cannot publish them.  We are due to finish for the day at 15.00hrs hrs anyway to give time to prepare for the Air Show and Opening Ceremony - and it looks like there is a great party planned for tonight.

Pictures from the accuracy area:

 the day.

9.45 hrs:    The manifest announces Stand-by for Style - due to the haze and lack of aircraft visibility.  It should burn off during the day.  The first results are posted.

9.00 hrs:    The best laid plans of mice and men.....   The first WDI load was called at 8.40 due to a technical hitch, but now the ball is truely rolling - 8.45 the fifteen minute calls were made for the first teams in Female Accuracy - 2 teams per Pilatus Porter load and the first jumpers in Male Style, 8 per Pilatus Porter.  The skies are blue and the sun is shining - good luck to all competitors.


Friday, 25th August 2017

 At 20.00 hrs or thereabouts the Team Leaders' meeting was held to give information regarding the competition due to start at 8.00 hrs wheels off tomorrow morning.

The FAI Controller, Gunter Berendt, commenced by taking a Roll Call of all Nations entered and present .yesterday's report.  In all we have 22 Nations represented and a total of 45 Female and 104 Male competitors.

Gunter then went on to explain that this was the first year the new rules regarding juniors were being applied.  In terms of team makeup there are only Female and Male Teams either with 5 competitors from one Nation or mixed teams when there were less than 5 per nation.  In other words Juniors would jump with their senior competitors on the team.

This did cause some confusion at the end of the meeting when the start lists and helmet numbers were handed out, but with the help of the manifester and those that had worked on putting the lists together, judges etc it was soon resolved.

Gunter asked that all competitors jumped safely and particular attention be paid to landing in the Style area, NO HOOK TURNS is the message for this meet.

We were then welcomed by Zoran Lakic, the Meet Director ably assisted by his interpreter Ana Marija Grubac.  He welcomed all competitors and said how happy they were to see so many attending this First Category Event in Montenegro.

Next the turn of the Chief Judge : Zeljko Prajz - 'Zippo' who introduced his two Event Judges, Michel Jara Freefall Styleand Ulf Tingnert Accuracy Landing.  He said that the Start/Helmet No. that would be issued at the end of the meeting was to be worn on the left side of the harness.  

He then asked Ulf to explain the signing that will be used by the judges at this competition.  Ulf explained that if judges agree with the score shown on the electronic read out at the pit, then they would indicate this agreement by holding their right arm across their chest with the hand below the left shoulder.  This is not to show they thought the jumper was on or off the pad, but that they agreed with the electronic readout of that jump.  If they did not agree the right arm would extend at the side pointing down.  Ulf said that as they had new judges on the panel they had been practicing this to ensure they were all used to this form of signal and asked the competitors to bear with them at the beginning of the competition.

Zippo then reminded competitiors that if they had a problem or a question it should only be addressed to him as Chief Judge or to the Event Judges and not the Judges.

Michel Jara then exlained that the pilots of the style aircraft would give a thumbs up signal to indicate the door could be opened and the jumper should exit.  The Style rounds were then drawn and will be in this order:
                                                             2 - 1 - 3 - 4  

Exit altitude would be 2,200 mts and run in speed of 70 knots.

After a brief Powerpoint presentation from the organisation of the DZ, depicting the Accuracy Landing area, Style Landing area, Manifest and Loading Area, the programme for tomorrow was announced:

                                                                                7.00 hrs the Bus will leave the Hotel for the DZ.
                                                                                7.15 hrs Gear check in the tent behind Manifest
                                                                                7.45 hrs WDI load 

and the manifester reminded all who wished to be included during the competition on WDI loads to  lodge their name with her.  They will be using the Cessna for the WDI loads and there are two slots on each load - both  style and accuracy and after a long break.

8.00 am first wheels off commencing with Male Freefall Style and Female Accuracy Landing

That is the plan for the day, so those Male jumpers who are not entering Style have the day free - until 16.00hrs when they will be collected from the hotels for the Air Show due to commence at 17.00hrs.  The last competition lift on the day will be at 15.00 hrs.  The formal Opening Ceremony will start at 18.30 hrs.

Each day, at the end of jumping there will be a team leaders' meeting approximately 30 minutes after the last jumper has landed to announce the plan for the following day.