28 Aug 2017

6th FAI Junior & 9th FAI EC in Freefall Style & Accuracy Landing in Podgorica, MNE, 2017 - Day 3

Monday 28th August - Day 3


Live Results Here!
(European Championships)



13.45 p,m   All Competitors released for the day - the winds show no sign of dropping and the forecast is not good.  Buses will leave for the hotels at 3.00 pm.  Tomorrow 7.00 am from the Hotel, Team Leaders' Meeting in front on the Manifest at 7.30 am.

10.30  The Style siki load is airborn, but unfortunately although there is an improvement in visibility - now they can pick up the aircraft at altitude - no chance to catch the jumper on camera - so back to accuracy and the completion of the round 4 Male accuracy - and the end of round 5.  However at the moment the wind is 8.2 - 7.2 - 0 - so we are still on Stand By for both disciplines.

8.55  The latest Manifest announcement put paid to the current plan!  Stand down due to high winds.   The chief judge will check with the camera operator to see if we can start the Style event - just wait and see for the moment.


8.45 - 15 minute call is given for the start of the Female Round 5, so soon all the results will be in for the completed Rounds 4 & 5 for the Male Accuracy.

A 7.00 am start on the bus from the Hotel for a 7.30 am Team Leaders' meeting in front of the Manifest.  The plan for today is to complete Round 5 Male Accuracy and the Round 4 rejump.  We will then move to round 5 Female, and continue the morning with Male and then Female Round 6.  At the moment we still have a problem with the smoke from the bush fires and visability.  The organisation will seek permission to alter the Style landing to the pit area of the DZ as it is clear here.  This will depend on agreement with the main airport at Podgorica and obtaining a new NOTAM.