29 Aug 2017

6th FAI Junior & 9th FAI EC in Freefall Style & Accuracy Landing in Podgorica, MNE, 2017 - Day 4

Tuesday, 29th August, 2017 - Day 4

Live Results Here!
(European Championships)


12.00   The hoped for drop in the wind has not happened and all competitors have been relesed for the day.  Lunch will be held here on the DZ and the buses will leave for the hotels at 14.30.  Tomorrow morning the buses will leave the hotels at 6.30 am for a 7.00 am Team Leaders' Meeting in front of the Manifest tent.  The casualty of the day is our FAI Controller, Günter Berendt who suffered an injured leg when the wind slammed the door of the trailer as he was leaving and trapped his leg.  Following a visit to the local hospital he is back on crutches with an immobilised lower leg and ankle.  

11.00   Although the winds are moderating they are still above limits.  The meteo service says that they are expecting it to drop around mid-day - we shall wait and see.


9.50   All calls are cancelled and we are on Stand By due to high wind.   The rumour on the DZ is that this is the 'Bora' a well known local wind.


9.30  For the moment we are being held off by the Control Tower of the main Airport at Podgorica, but the first 8 results from the Female Style round one have arrived at the scoring centre.   As I was writing this flying conitnued but the winds went over the limits as the second jumper left the aircraft and we are back on Stand By.  Two more scores to add to the results page.

7.30 am   Following the Team Leaders' Meeting at 7.30 this morning we will start the day with Freefall Style.  Accuracy Landing jumpers are stood down until 13.00 hrs. This decision was quite obvious to all on the airfield - the wind is already above limits for accuracy, and pushing those of style.  The good news is we have moved the Style operation area to this part of the airfield - the camera is sited behind the hangar because of the wind.  Landing will be to the right of the pit looking out from the airfield buildings.   Starting with Female Freefall Style, followed by Male Freefall Style, with 8 jumpers per aircraft load, we will keep the whole cycle thus to get as many rounds complete as possible.

At 14.00 hrs approximately today the French Delegation will receive a vist from their Ambassador to Montenegro.  The Meet Director said he hoped to have a senior figure from the Montenegro Sports Ministry here at the same time to welcome him.

Four of the most important and hard working members of the organisation have a quieter morning today - the Weckbecker Scoring System Team: