03 Aug 2017

CIAM Flyer (03-2017) - FAI Space Modelling’s World Cup – the History Part 1

1980s…just so much was happening in the ‘Real World’. An Iron Curtain corroding and creaking, a Berlin Wall flawed and crumbling: focal changes definitely imminent. Model Flying in Eastern Europe and elsewhere, continued as normal. FAI Space Modelling was struggling to evolve in such a climate, but despite widespread traumas, introduced the Cup of Socialist Nations, in 1986.

 A modest event embracing contest classes which have survived and evolved to the present day. What was for sure, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) was strong, holding 27 of the 32 FAI World Records!Let’s have a reflection on Space Modelling’s existence during the latter half of the ‘80s, when global changes were going into overdrive.

Download the full content of the latest CIAM Flyer (03-2017) - FAI Space Modelling’s World Cup – the History Part 1  in PDF format !