14 Jan 2022

CIVLCOMPS.ORG - a new WPRS and event hosting website

CIVL has launched a new Ranking and Competition management system https://civlcomps.org/. From now on all events' results will get WPRS ranking via this server. So you can check your current rank on the page https://civlcomps.org/rankings

It is necessary for the new pilots to register there to get their CIVL ID to take part in the competitions. It is also recommended that all pilots get registered there to double-check their CIVL ID. CIVL will not create new IDs for new pilots when the organizer sends results anymore. It led to duplication of the IDs and other ranking distorting problems. The organizers (if they are not hosting their events on civlcomps.org) need to fill in the correct CIVL IDs of all pilots in the results. Those who carry out the registration at civlcomps.org will get an already verified pilots list.

The Cat 2 organizers are welcome to host their events there. The publication is free of charge. And it saves time to verify participants' ranking and ID.

Event hosting platform includes all basic needs for cat 2 organizers:

  • Event info
  • Participants registration with customizable form
  • Notifications and status management
  • Synchronization and connection to Flymaster to send participants and trackers
  • Results publication and Day blog
  • Connection to FAI AMS to apply for FAI 2 status
  • Sending results to WPRS


Besides, it has some specific functions for Cat 1 organizers:

  • FAI Sporting license online check
  • Ranking verification
  • Eligibility verification (that was extremely difficult before when we had to get into each comp of a pilot during the past 2 years, now the script does is in seconds)
  • Allocation management


As this platform is integrated with WPRS ranking sending the results from the hosted event to be ranked now will take 1 button click.


Another feature is seminar hosting.

Any NAC or federation can apply to CIVL Competition Coordinator to get a free space to host training for their PG/HG specialists. The relevant training will be recorded in the profile of the user.


CIVLCOMPS also gives a pilot or an official a presentation space with his sport achievements that he can share. Users can add some information about themselves, sponsors, and links to their blogs and socials.


Go to the Info section of the civlcomps.org to read the tutorials.