08 Jan 2016

FAI Chief of Judge Training Workshop, Frankfurt, 16-17 Jan 2016

It's been a long held view that the courses for the training of future FAI judges, in all skydiving disciplines, should be standardised in terms of content, evaluation and paperwork in order to ensure that the ab initio judge has an equal chance of qualifying, regardless of where in the world the training is undertaken.

In order that standardisation can be achieved, Karla Cole took on the role of IPC Judge Training Course Coordinator (IPC JTCC) last year with a view to realising this goal. In spite of all the technological communications at our fingertips – emails, SMS, conference calls, Skype etc – something as important as this deserves face to face discussions around a single table, in the same time zone. With this in mind, Karla has organised for as many FAI Chiefs of Judge Training as possible to attend her inaugural workshop, which is being held over two days prior to this year's Plenary in Frankfurt.

Fundamental to this vision is:

• The trainees experience the best training possible, on their way to becoming good FAI Judges

• The NACs know they can send their National Judges on a reliable training course

• The CoJT can feel safe in the knowledge in what she/he has to teach is standardised

• The CoJT has the full support and backing from the IPC JTCC

• Last but not least, future competitors' performances will be determined by universally trained judges on the panels at events.