16 Sep 2016

Mondial - Day 5 of Competition

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D a y  5 - 16 September 2016 


17.25   Accuracy has been stood down for the day,  Canopy Formation 2-Way Sequential has been judged, so shortly I will be able to name our final World Champions for today.

C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S  to France 1 World Champions in Canopy Formation 2-Way Sequential with a total of 230 points

Cindy Collot, Charline Delay, Guillaume Dubois 

Silver Medal goes to France 2 with 189 points and Bronze Medal to Russia with 186

The forecast for tomorrow is good, so 6.45am first call for Female Accuracy, Senior and Junior and at 9.45am we will move to Male Accuracy and all being well will complete those disciplines before the end of the day.

We have our second Awards Ceremony scheduled for 7.30 this evening.

14.00  The Junior Accuracy competitors both Female and Male have been released for the day.  Meanwhile Male Accuracy and Canopy Formations 2-Way Sequential are on stand-by but at the moment the winds are high - 11,5 m/s, although the rain has held off.

13.00  This afternoon it is planned to hold Competitors Meetings as is normal at a World Championships (it is in our rules!) to discuss any issues that arose from the competition and give feedback to the relevant Competitions Committee for consideration with regard to any rule changes etc.

Artistics - 14.00 hrs : Formation Skydiving 16.00  and Speed Skydiving 18.30.  Both Canopy Formation and Freefall Style and Accuracy Landing are on hold pending completion of their competitions.

11.30  Now the confirmation of two further World Champions Junior Freefall Style Male and Freefall Style Female have been announced:

C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S to Yanan He, China our new Junior Freefall Style Male World Champion with an average of 7.59

Silver medal goes to Honglin Jin, China average 7.69 and Bronze to Anton Niktitsiuk, Belarus average 8.26


C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S  to Olga Lepezina, Russia our new Freefall Style Female World Champion with an average of 7.20

Silver medal goes to Elisa Tennyson, USA average 7.61 and Bronze to Olga Kravchenko, Russia average 7.62

12.40   Manifest calls are being made for the three teams left to jump Round 7 and the start ofthe final round, Round 8 of Canopy Formations 2-Way Sequential.11.00   Although the last round of Freefall Style Female has jumped they have yet to be judged, so we do not know if there are any rejumps - hopefully there are not because we now have the first drops of rain and more is coming so they have had to close down the Style.  Meanwhile Round 7 of 2-Way Canopy Formations is jumping and is almost complete.


10.00   Minutes after the completion of Round 6 Male Accuracy the winds went over limits and the competitors were put on HOLD.  Urbos Ban (SLO) is alone in first place on 0.03 cm, but Stefan Wiesner (GER) and Bin Ge (CHN) are tied behind him on 0.04 cm.

We do have a result for the Junior Female Style event and todays  new World Champion

C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S  to Ling Zhang of CHINA with an average of 7.52

Silver goes to Tiantian Zhao of China, average 8.08 and Bronze to Leocadia Ollivier-de-Pury of France, average 8.09

9.30  The final Formation Skydiving discipline is completed.  We have our first World Champions of the day - Belgium 4-Way Open retain their title.

The Gold Medal at this evening's Awards Ceremony will be awarded to the Belgium Team,  USA takes the Silver andFrance the Bronze

C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S to Formation Skydiving Belgium 4-Way Open

David Grauwels, Andy Grauwels, Jeroen Nollet, Sven Ibens, Daniel Jacobs, Dennis Praet

 7.00   Another early start.  Formation Skydiving 4-Way Open Round 10 is in the air at the moment, as are Style.   Canopy Formation 2-Way Sequential have been called for their 7th round.

Last night we had the first of the Prize Giving ceremonies for Formation Skydiving, VFS, 8-Way and 4-Way Female.  Followed by Artisitc Events, Freestyle and Freefly.  This was managed wonderfully, with music, lights and champagne.  I also liked the flags being raised in the centre of the tent in front of the athletes so the USA athletes faced the audience during the National Anthem (and we heard the USA anthem 3 times!).  Congratulations to all the medal winners.  Follow the link to the Prize Giving page.