07 Aug 2017

WC & EC Saarlouis, Germany, 2017 British Delegation

G R E A T   B R I T A I N


14th FAI Formation Skydiving European Championships

21st FAI World Cup in Formation Skydiving

4-Way Female - PTW

Elizabeth Carroll

Georgina Marsh 

Eleanor Southworth

  Raphaelle Barbier Saint Hilarie(Alternate)

Danielle S. Hodgson

Adam Peter George (Video) 


4-Way Open - Chimera

James Woods

Sarah J. AshworthLaura Hampton

Aaron Faith

Matthew L. Wilson (Video) 

8-Way - Project: Ride the Dragon

Raphaelle Barbier Saint Hilaire

Elliott Brown  Richard James Cotton

 Fiona Lee

 Samuel Lee Roy Little

Elizabeth Moor 

Helen R. Williams  Danny E.M. French (Alternate)

Craig Hicks (Video) 


21st FAI World Cup in Formation Skydiving

4-Way Female - Kesshin
Louise ButterellJessica ArmishawDebbie Dobson

Samantha J. Davis

David Butterell (Video)




4-Way Open - Antimatter

Henry Chow

Blyth S. Davies

Anthony Hill

John McIver (Alternate)

Adam N. Pencharz (Video)

Dave West


4-Way Open - Eros

 Richard James Cotton

Danny E.M. French

Craig Hicks (Video)

Helen R. Williams

Roy Little




4-Way Open - Tyranno4us Rex

 Jason Hobbs

Max C.T. Holmes

Paul G. Monaghan (Video)

Simon Perry

Emily Sugars




8-Way - Awkward Turtles

James Woods

Sarah J. Ashworth

 Laura Hampton

Matthew Wilson

Elizabeth Carroll

Georgina Marsh

Jonathan L. Francis

Samuel D. Bemment

Westleigh Guest (Video)


11th FAI Artistic Events European Championships

12th FAI World Cup in Artistic Events

Freestyle Skydiving - Velocity

James J. Arnold

Daniel Guest (Video)





2nd FAI Speed Skydiving European Championships

3rd FAI World Cup in Speed Skydiving

Charles Hurd

Cezary Krzczkowski

James Parker 

Lucy Westgarth



Delegation Officials





 Craig Poxon Team Manager

Ian Marshall


Photographs courtesy of Elmar Gürtler