Drone Racing World Cup
Official results
The official results must be transmitted to the World Cup Coordinator as soon as the contest is finished.
Templates for presentation of the official results for each scenario A, B and C may be dowloaded at the bottom of the webpage 'DOCUMENTS AND RULES' (https://www.fai.org/world-cups/drone-racing-documents). Each template is an Excel file with 3 tabs:
- Tab "Official results" with a template for presentation of the official results.
- Tab "Detailed races results" with a template for presentation of the detailed results of all races.
- Tab "Rules for final classification" defining how to establish the final classification.
Note: In Drone Racing, many competitors use a pseudo. In that situation, the organiser must take care to use for the official results correct names of the competitors as mentioned on their FAI Sporting Licence and not pseudos.