There are five events planned for the present year 2024. Those events will be run by using the EreaDrone 2023 multiplayer drone racing simulator available on the Steam platform for PC, and will be organised by considering the event management system (EMS) developed by EreaDrone.

Equipment necessary to participate

- Game controller (e.g. Xbox), or radio transmitter which may be identified as a controller by Windows (FrSky, RadioMaster, Taranis, BetaFPV, etc.)

  Note: FPV google headset is not used due to the difficulty of setting up properly such a device on a computer.

- Windows computer with a video monitor and an internet connection

  Note: The requirements for the computer are available at

An EreaDrone license is necessary to access the simulator.


The characteristics that will be available in the simulator for the event concenred may depend on the racing circuit. The characteristics concern, but not only, the mass, dimensions, motorisation (KV, latency), propeller (diameter, pitch), battery voltage, air drag, rotation inertia, and ground effect.

It will be eventually possible for the pilots to edit some characteristics to better fit their style of flying.


The racing circuit is defined with a 3D flight path including a start line, obstacles to be crossed or avoided, and a Start-Finish line. The simulator permits to design a circuit a circuit in any environment: urban, mountain, woodland, park, stadium, carpark, harbour, castle, etc. The circuit may be a closed circuit with several laps to be completed or may be a circuit to be flown once time only. The total distance to complete for a race will be about 2 to 3 km representing a flight time between 60 to 90 seconds for the fastest pilots.

How to register for an event

A period of time before the beginning of the event will be defined for the registration to participate in the event. The registration will be done on the EreaDrone website.

Note: Information regarding dates for the event (practice flight period, qualification stage period, days planned for the competition) will be published before the beginning of the registration period.

For each event, a practice flight session will be planned. Only the pilots registered to participate in the event may participate to the practice flight session. The possibility for each pilot to practice will be limited to a predefined cumulative time (e.g. 30 minutes), or to a maximum number of laps of the circuit that can be completed (e.g. 10 or 20 depending on the circuit).

Qualification stage

The event will begin with a qualification stage to select the pilots for the competition itself.

Flights for the qualification stage will be done 'asynchronous' considering every pilot will fly alone on the circuit without any risk to be impacted by the other pilots flying at the same moment.

A period of time will be defined for the qualification stage during wich each participant will be authorised a maximum number of attempts (e.g. 12) to register times to complete a predefined number of consecutive laps. The pilots may do their attempts whenever during the allocated period, on different days, and at any time of each day.

The ranking for the qualification stage will be calculated by considering for the particpants their fastest registered time. In case of a tie between participants concerned by the selection for the competition, the second fastest registered time will be considered to break the tie, and then if necessary, the third one, and so on until the tie will be broken.

The qualification current ranking will be accessible once the qualification stage will start. The registered qualification times will be published when the qualification stage period of time will be finished. Every pilot will get possibility to access the qualification times registered for the other pilots after he/she will have proceeded with at least half of the maximum number of attempts defined.


In each race, the pilots will fly together at the same time and see the other drones close to them. All races will be run on the number of laps corresponding to the predefined number of laps stated for the qualification stage.

First crossing the finish line will be first placed in the race, and so on. Pilot(s) who did not finish (DNF) will be placed after those who finish, and considering if necessary, the distance completed (number of laps and part of the last lap completed). If applicable, disqualified pilot(s) will be placed at the end before pilot(s) who did not start (DNS).

First part of the competition

The first part of the competition concerns the preliminary rounds for which all races will be run with 8 pilots per race.

Depending the number of pilots ranked in the qualification stage, two scenarios will be considered for this first part of the competition:
        Scenario A = 128 pilots selected from the qualification stage - First part with two rounds (24 races in total)
        Scenario B = 64 pilots selected from the qualification stage - First part with one round (8 races in total)

For both scenarios, the 4 best placed in each race will be qualified for the next round, and the other pilots will be eliminated. The composition of the races for the first round will defined by considering the qualification stage ranking.

Note: See the Annex of the rules' document for the composition of the races for the first round and the bracket for the first part of the competition.

Second part of the competition

The second part of the competition concerns the 32 pilots qualified from the first part of the competition.

Note: Second part of every e-Drone Racing World Cup competition will stand on a different day from the first part, and will be livestreamed with an English language commentator.

All races will be run with 4 pilots per race. So, this part will include 1/8th finals, quarter-finals, semi-finals and finals (16 races in total). The 2 best-placed pilots will be qualified for the next round, and the other pilots will be eliminated.

Note: See the Annex of the rules' document for the bracket of the second part of the competition.

Final classification for the event

After each round, the eliminated pilots will be placed according to the qualifying stage ranking. Nevertheless, the pilots who managed to get a scoring time will be placed in front of those who did not finish (DNF), those eventually disqualified (DISQ) being placed after, and those who did not start (DNS) placed at the end.

The pilots not selected for the competition will be placed according to their ranking in the qualifying stage.


Allocation of points for an event

The points allocated to pilots will depend on the number (N) of pilots who have effectively flown in the qualification stage. In addition, a bonus in points will be awarded as follows to the eight (8) best-placed pilots in the event. Points allocated to each pilot depend on the placing in the event of the concerned pilot.

In the situation of a tie for any placing in an event, the pilots with that placing will share the points that would have been awarded to the places covered had the tie been resolved (round up the score to the nearest whole number of points).

Note: See the rules' document for the details egarding the points allocated.

World Cup classification

The World Cup ranking will be determined by considering the points obtained by each pilot in the World Cup events in which he/she participated.

The total World Cup score of the pilot is the sum of its best three event results (numbers of points).

The winner of the World Cup is the pilot with the greatest total score for the concerned year, and so on for the ranking.

In the situation of a tie for first, second or third place of the World Cup ranking, placing will be determined by taking into account for the pilots in question, their best fourth result. If this does not break the tied pilots, then the placing will be determined by considering the sum of the points that they obtained in each of the three events considered for their World Cup score multiplied by the number of pilots who have flown in the event concerned; the winner is the one with the greatest total thus calculated.