FAI Hang Gliding and Paragliding Commission (CIVL)

03 Mar 2014

2014 Plenary: What else?

Seating around the diner table, from right to left, Ms Gudmundsson, Agust Gudmundsson (CIVL President), John Grubbstrom (FAI President), the Governor of Bali, the Chief of the Indonesian Air Force (also President of the NAC) and the Indonesian Olympic Committee President. Bali’s Governor invited all Delegates and friends to a very nice reception.

A good time for explaining to the top Officials the issues of our sport and for trying to save Bali’s flying sites from the overdevelopment of the island. This is also what Plenaries are for: help the developement of our disciplines in inviting nations.

Safety, as always, is ever present in the Plenary discussions and decisions. Although Raymond Caux, CIVL Safety Officer, was not present, some of his actions were discussed.

  • A network of national Safety Officer is being built. Each federation/NAC is invited to appoint someone and contact Raymond.
  • SafePro and ParaPro are being revised. This is a first step before reassessing how the IPPI Card should be distributed. The aim: make it truly universal.
  • The Incident database is still being studied, with conflicting priorities: make it simple so pilots and organisers are encouraged to report; make it complete so it can integrate the EHPU (European) incident database.

Click for the FAI President report  and CIVL President report .

The 2013 account and the 2014 budget were not presented. This is the second year in a row where it is impossible for CIVL to receive reliable information from FAI Head Office. This totally inacceptable, as clearly stated to FAI President. CIVL is lucky to have quite a bit of money in reserve so it can function daily and finance long term projects.

A new Scoring document was voted and is on the way. We will publish it here asap.

No elections this year. No nomination received for the HG Diploma or the Pepe Lopez Medal.

Bill Moyes was nominated again for the FAI Air Gold Medal.