FAI Hang Gliding and Paragliding Commission (CIVL)

IPPI Card: United Arab Emirates

Date of submission or update:
12 March 2019

Is the IPPI card accepted in your country ?

We recognize the IPPI card, but only on the federation level. The IPPI is not issued by the national law; however, our instructors, site managers and event organizers recognize IPPI proficiency and experience levels in the paragliding flight sites.

What is the minimum legal requirement coverage required in your country ?

Currently, there is no minimum legal requirement.

What additional coverage does your country recommend (such as medical insurance, search and rescue etc...) ?

We recommend having medical insurance with Third Party Liability.

Is your NAC prepared to provide a special insurance coverage for guest pilots who do not comply with your national law ?

Currently, we do not provide any type of insurance coverage.

Other information

Kindly be informed that all pilots must register before flying at any of the UAE paragliding sites. Please note that monthly or annual fees may apply.

Contacts Info:

Emirates Aerosports Federation

